Tuesday, July 18, 2006

The Ugly Side of People

People use me, lie to me and then think I don't realise what they are doing.

People are strange, they can preach you on the smallest thing and commit the foulest sins the next minute. They preach about integrity then backstab their friends the next day. They say they'll never be that way or like that person, a few years later you see them compromising their beliefs and being 'that way'.

They secretly rejoice at other people's misery and misfortune, closest kins included. They can't wait to point out and bitch about other people's mistakes so that they can somehow feel better about themselves.

They prep you up with small talks and trying to make you feel like they actually care how you are doing when all they really want is a favour. After they get what they want, they make their exits ungracefully, just as how they had made their entrance.

They mistake politeness for stupidity and they think they can walk all over you just because you had been nice to them. People use people all the time, and they don't even realise it most of the time. They think I'm always going to be there for them, just because I have always been there when they needed me.

They tell you how to live your life or how to think. They advise you to be more optimistic without ever bothering to find out what's really going on in your life. They just always assumed there's something you somehow missed and they see it, they feel it's their obligation to point it out to you.

People are selfish creatures who solely think of themselves. You're probably thinking how could I be right, no one ever thinks of themselves only. But think of why you care for your family, your partner or your friends. Doesn't the reason revolve around YOU? People are chickenshit, they couldn't bear the thought of being alone or having no one, they'd kill themselves at the mere thought of it. They act all noble thinking that they care for someone else, when all along they're thinking of what they are getting in return. And if you still disagree, think about how many people can actually feel comfortable eating alone in public. Yeah, most people would rather eat with a bunch of people they don't like than eat alone.

And if you felt angry with anything that I had written, you had probably used me, lied to me and thought you got away with it.


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